The bell pepper - Capsicum annuum – is cultivated in various colour variations. No doubt you have often sliced red, yellow, orange or green peppers. But did you know that there are also white, purple, lilac, mint green and even brown peppers? Most peppers produced in the Netherlands are of the California Wonder variety that is more or less square. In addition to standard bell peppers, Haluco also offers other varieties that are sweeter in taste. For example, Red Sweet and Palermo.
Per 100 grams, peppers contain an average of 24 to 48 calories, 1,0 grams protein, 4,5 grams carbohydrates and 0 % fat. In addition, peppers are high in vitamins A and C, which are good for resistance and the gut. View our wide range of peppers below.
Ideal storage temperature:
10 degrees Celsius