The cabbage is a plant from the cruciferous family - Cruciferae – and is a very popular winter vegetable. There are different kinds of cabbage on the market. Biologically, they are all the same variety, but have been cultivated in different ways. In doing so, the part of the plant that is eaten most is taken into account. For example, cauliflower and broccoli, of which we eat the florettes. We only eat the leaves of China cabbage, pointed cabbage, and white and red cabbage. In addition, there are specific ways of preparing cabbage. Sauerkraut for example, which is actually fermented white cabbage. In the Netherlands, cabbage is grown mainly in North Holland.
Per 100 grams, cabbage contains an average of 20 to 40 kcals. Cabbage is high in vitamin C and very rich in fibre.
Ideal storage temperature:
Between 3 and 4 degrees Celsius.
Cabbage selection:
Chinese cabbage
Pak choi
Red cabbage
Green cabbage
Savoy cabbage
Pointed cabbage
White cabbage